Saturday, February 18, 2006

Today in class...

My biostatistics class went to Larabee State Park
today. Yay! It was windier than hell and even colder, but it was a nice excuse to see the ocean. Of course, it had to be ruined by teachers insisting we had to "learn" something. So, we had to measure tidepools and count organisms inside, then do a correlation/regression analysis to determine whether the size of the tidepool had any impact on the life inside. Still a little interesting I guess.
On my way home from work tonight, I stopped at the store and bought myself a big-beer and treated myself while watching Appleseed. I give it my seal of approval. It wasn't the greatest anime ever, but it was very enjoyable. I got an i/o error while trying to copy it, so I think my DVD-ROMs might be going out, or worse, my IDE controller *shudder*.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Archer

So there I was, minding my own business, alternating between studying for five minutes then checking to see if there was anything new on the internet, when Chris knocked on my door. He asked if I wanted to go to a pub in Fairhaven called the Archer and see a Celtic band play. It wasn't a hard choice. They were really good, plus I had a Guinness and some French onion soup, then I won a game of darts by hitting the bullseye. So, that's how my night off went. I should probably go back to studying now. Internet bad!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The future is now!

Do you ever have one of those moments where you realize that you are, in fact, living in the future. That eureka moment happened to me today while I was at Fred Meyer. Prepare yourselves, folks, for the hallmark of our time: The Mach 5! (Actually, it's the Gillette Fusion, but who cares)
I had to buy this thing because it's just THAT insane and wonderful at the same time. It has FIVE BLADES! Plus, my Mach 3 was broken by the infinitely helpful bag throwers at the Philadelphia Airport (TWO count-em TWO people breathed through their teeth and gave me their condolences when they found out I had luggage going through Philly). Have you seen that Mad TV skit with the Mach 10? "The 9th and 10th blades scrape your teeth clean!" We are halfway there, folks. Who knows where this razor war will end. Now for the review: In my years of shaving, I have cut myself maybe four or five times. I nicked myself twice when shaving today. This is a dangerous razor, people, but isn't that exactly what I was looking for? (The answer is YES!)

Now, for some random things. When I was looking for a picture of this bad mother, I came accross some Czech page with crazy/awesome inventions:

Take that, guy minding his own business!
What the hell would anyone do with this table? Is it for home defense? Fighing off barbarians? Would it even get through +1/20 damage reduction?

Friday, February 10, 2006

I guess it's best this way

The guy didn't show. He for sure didn't work at the Taco TIME in the mall, and there wasn't a Taco Bell I could see in the area around the mall. Oh well, I guess this was the best outcome possible. At least he doesn't have my real phone number.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Tonight at work...

Ok, here's what happened:
I had a delivery to Spyglass Lane. If you can't tell by the name, it's a pretty swanky part of town with lots of nice houses. A guy in his twenties with his eyepod earbuds in his ears answers the door. While he writes the cheque, he says....
"So, are you looking to make some extra money?"

I think: "Porn."

I say "no thanks, I'm pretty busy at school right now." He makes some chitchat, then says that he's looking for some ambitious people and he's working for a "very wealthy guy down the street 'doing internet stuff.' It's not a sure thing, but if you are interested you could make a lot of money."

I think "Gay porn."

So I decline again, and he gives me the pitch that he'll "come by Pizza Hut anytime and give me the rundown. It'll only take 15 minutes at the most."
I relent, and ask if he can come before 5. Maybe at 4:45?
He checks his datebook and says "Well, if you can meet me at MY end of town, that'll be great. Do you know where Bellis Fair is?"
I say, "The Mall? I deliver pizza. So, yes I do."
He says "Yeah, just meet me at the Taco Bell in the food court."
Ok, so I guess all of B'ham does their business in the food court of the mall. He didn't even pause when he said Taco Bell, so I'm guessing he works there. So, my final guess is it's some kind of pyramid internet scheme.
I've been thinking about ditching him because there's no way this can turn out well for me. I'm the PIZZA MAN. Doesn't this guy have friends? I assume I'm playing the role of chump in this, but I have to show up and find out what his deal is. At least I'm meeting him in a public place, and I saved the ticket from his house so I have his address and phone number (if I disapear, it's under my keyboard.) I gave him my name and he knows I work for the Hut, but when he asked for my phone number I gave him mine but with a couple digits switched around.
I'll post back and let you guys know what was up. OH, also, he tipped me $1.50 in loose change, so this guy isn't exactly rolling in the dough. Plus, there's all that other shit that makes this insane.

-end transmission-

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Burninating time

I'm sitting in a computer lab waiting for the waiting period to expire on a Biostatistics textbook on reserve in the library. At the beginning of the quarter, my professor stressed that this book was optional, so I decided not to spend $96 on a copy. It turns out that he meant he wouldn't be giving assignments from it. The book IS necessary if we want to understand any subject material or be able to do any of the homework he assigns, even though it isn't from the book. As I get further and further into the quarter, I find it harder and harder to fork over the money for the book. I thought for a while I could skate by with the first edition available for checkout from the library, but it is missing a lot of material the 4th edition has. Oh well, the quarter is almost over and it's a nice excuse to go somewhere quiet and study. At least I have Saturdays off.
In other news...well, nothing else is going on. There is a lot of video editing hardware in here, and it makes me want to know how to use it. Oh well. I'll file that away along with "use the climbing wall in the rec center" and "rent a kayak." Someday... At least I finally am able to cross "take a martial arts class" off my list. Speaking of which, I learned yesterday that it's a good idea to not aim for the mouth/jaw when punching/kicking. You could break someone's jaw, yes, but my teacher was telling us this story about how he had to dig some teeth out of his palm once, and how a buddy of his had a tooth stuck in his heel for 6 days once and he didn't notice. To think that at the beginning of the quarter I thought he seemed like a stereotypical gym teacher.