Wednesday, September 20, 2006

After my first real day at the water plant

This is the best line someone could hope for the first day on the job at a wastewater facility:

Derek, the guy showing me the ropes:
Ok, you don't need to brown-nose or nothing, but keeping this lab clean would earn you serious brownie points since you are new here and you don't know shit yet.

I asked if there were any puns in that last sentence, and he just gave me a confused look. Oh well. I forget what he said I'd be doing tomorrow, but it involved the words "mucking" and "solid," so I won't be wearing nice clothes.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Waiter, there's a bacon in my hair

I'm not sure exactly who did this or where, but since there's bacon and a cat involved I'd wager almost anything Dane had a hand in it. Being in Korea doesn't help his case much, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, I'm back up here in B'ham for the summer. My room is a pile of boxes and clothes that I should probably be working on instead of doing this. Meh.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Was it worth it? Heck yes.

Things that suck:
~Spending lots of money on a computer
~Computer not working
~Spending hours (and I mean real, consecutive hours) bent over computer disassembling, examining, and reconnecting every part and cord, trying different combinations.

Thing that rocks:
~Computer posts and boots up on 117th try for no real reason. Nothing is different than the first time. Computer continues to work just dandy.


Nice thing about having a fast computer:
~It's fast. Things get done fast. Very fast.

Bad thing about having a fast computer:
~Whenever the hourglass cursor shows up, yelling "WHAT? You are faster than any computer available a six months ago! Don't give me that shit! What do you need to think about? Give me a fuckin' break!"