Monday, January 22, 2007

Thank Christ the snow is gone

Anybody who thinks the snow is fun hasn't slid all over the fucking place just trying to get into your own driveway. Living on a hill seemed like a good idea at the time...Had my first day in the Bellingham water plant today. This is the place where we actually make the water, instead of just taking all the poo out. It's all pretty much the same job, but this lab smells better and I don't have to wear gloves as much. But then there's all that chlorine... I'm also taking an independent study course for one credit at Western. It boils down to me helping a grad student culture Daphnia magna, or water fleas. They're kind of cute little guys, which is why I feel bad for killing so many of them. You see, tonight it was my job to isolate all the big ones that are capable of reproducing and dumping the young ones/runts down the drain. I felt like kind of a monster, but I'm over it now.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Back to business

It's been a great break, but nothing lasts forever.