Saturday, February 17, 2007

Woe is me

It's been a crummy couple of weeks up here. It hasn't been the constant homework, I'm pretty much used to that by now. It started out pretty well...
*In late January I got my hard drive back from Seagate. I hooked it up and everything worked well. SWEET! I made a mirrored (redundant, great for data security!) array with my original Seagate and my repaired one, and this required me to reinstall XP. So I did. It seems, however, that there is a little fluke with XP installation: if it doesn't think one of your drives is formatted (enough) it will format it for you. It didn't think my 200 gig Maxtor was formatted, even though EVERYTHING I own in digital form was backed up on it and I used it not half an hour ago. So *zing* it formatted every drive I had lickety split and I was left with nothing.
Added to this is a little catch-22 that the nice people at ASUS built into their wireless motherboards: in order to use the wireless card, you need to install service pack one because it has the drivers on there. SERIOUSLY, when you insert the CD that came with the motherboard and click on install chipset drivers a text file just pops up and says "just install service pack one, dummy." That's just lazy. So, anyway, I was left with less than nothing.
I picked up my computer and moved it to my roommate's room so I could plug it directly into the modem and eventually got things sorted out. I also downloaded a data recovery program to try to salvage some data from my formatted drive. I had a little practice at this, since XP did this to me once before.
Long story short (too late!) I lost about 1 out of every 10 MP3s, programs, pictures, and videos. Lame.
*Ok, phew, got that sorted out--wait, what? My hard drive is failing again? Oh, no, this is just my SECOND FUCKING SEAGATE HARD DRIVE GOING OUT. So, it's now toast and I mailed it into the folks at Seagate to repair. What are the chances? I've never actually seen a hard drive fail before, and now BOTH of mine have gone out. Hmm.
*Let's face it, my wardrobe is just big enough to fit in one load of wash. Convenient and environmentally friendly! Not so convenient is when I washed a pen with my clothes the other day and ruined every piece of clothing I own. My plan at the moment is to work into every conversation how I dabble in art and that's why I have spots all over my clothes. It beats my other plan, which is just tie-dying everything.
I'm working on replacing my music collection at the moment, and it's slow going. One upside: I'll replace an album and listen to it, and I'll think "Damn, this sounds really good!" As it turns out, I really CAN tell the difference between 128 kbps and 256/FLAC, even on my little Boston Acoustics. All this time...


josh p said...


Whoa man, my condolences - that is an awfully crappy stroke of bad luck. When I come up, which will be soon, want me to bring some stuff, backup'd mp3s and/or leftover clothes from your closet? Then we'll hit the bars and have a seagate-failure of the mind.

See ya soon,

Braden said...

Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll be ok for the time being. When you come up, just bring any self-destructive tendencies with you. And money.

Anonymous said...

Braden, now you're just being silly! You know we never travel without our self-destructive tendencies. Sans money, maybe, but come now!!!

Sorry to hear about your catastrophic compy. It is the greatest Price Bros./Dane fear realized. We'll fix it with beer soon.

FM Hradek said...

Whoa, that is lame. It sounds like you have a lemon. Good luck to you getting things fixed and all.