Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Lest we forget

For as long as I can remember, I have had a deep dislike of Hillary. Some of it had to do with her policies as a senator, but mostly I agree with Mr. Yeti that we shouldn't have 20+ years of Clintons and Bushes. Plus, if we had a black president it would OFFICIALLY be the future. Yes, sometimes the future has a woman president (like Battlestar Galactica [or is it the past, or an alternate timeline/dimension???]) but it just isn't the same and doesn't quite feel like as much of a leap.
If, like me until recently, you are thinking about voting for McCain just look at this picture of Arby endorsing Hillary's presidency until you remember just how much the GOP as a whole sucks balls and wants to enslave humanity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Non-productive but amusing side-note: I would fully vote for Amy Poehler.

Just sayin'