Sunday, March 05, 2006

Urine in wine

I didn't really have any strong feelings towards the Sex Pistols one way or another, but then I read the note they sent to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame when they were almost inducted. Ok, now they rock.
In other news, I've been delivering pizza for 5 years. Tonight, a girl FINALLY answered the door in her underwear. I think this means I can quit now.


DD said...

I didn't quit until the time I opened the door and she said "Wanna Fuck?" This actually happened, but never from the ones you'd WANT to say that. *shudder* Congrats on the underwear though. It only took you what... 10,000 deliveries? Think of what lies behind delievery 20,000. Oh Yeah!

Braden said...

Ugh, probably just more fat hairy guys answering the door in a towel. Though, last night I did have a girl invite me to play Scrabble and drink with her friends when I got off work. Maybe I should work more Saturdays...